MSI motherboards feature tons of convenient and smart design, such as convenient pin-header keep out zone, friendly SATA & USB location and so on, so DIY users can pick and choose any gaming rig they want.
MSI motherboards feature tons of convenient and smart design, such as convenient pin-header keep out zone, friendly SATA & USB location and so on, so DIY users can pick and choose any gaming rig they want.
With years of experience in creating performance enhancing tools that are easy to use, only the highest quality applications are at your disposal. Use these tools to get the most out of your motherboard and achieve victory when gaming. Moreover, we made sure our BIOS contains all the latest options and is easy to use for everyone. The extensive features let you fine-tune your system to deliver reliable maximum performance.
Todas las placas base MSI están certificadas por una mecánica estricta que cuenta con una adecuada zona de bloqueo de encabezado de clavija, ubicación SATA y USB para compatibilidad con la más amplia gama de componentes y dispositivos, para que el usuario de DIY pueda elegir los componentes que desea. Más que eso, ofrecemos una Lista de proveedores calificados (QVL) dedicada para la parte más crítica: la memoria. En combinación con la tecnología MSI DDR4 Boost, proporcionamos la máxima compatibilidad incluso en el overclocking, para que confirmes y elijas cualquier plataforma de juego que desees.
MSI motherboards featured all the latest solution for enthusiast gamers and prosumers. CPU and memory enhancement and fast storage and USB transfer speed are ready to be on the battlefield.
Enciende tu procesador RYZEN con diseños de circuitos optimizados y piezas de suministro de energía de alta calidad para un funcionamiento increíblemente estable.
Las placas base MSI proporcionan las ventajas más fascinantes en el estudio, diseñadas para satisfacer cualquier flujo de trabajo profesional. Eleva el placer de escuchar y conéctate en red con MSI Audio & LAN. Disfruta de una calidad de sonido extrema y de una experiencia en línea ininterrumpida.
Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality. MSI Audio Boost delivers the highest sound quality through the use of premium quality audio components. This lets you enjoy breathtaking, studio quality sound to create the most immersive sound experience.
Each MSI motherboard is built based on the specific topic in order to match different tastes and favors. Furthermore, MSI also adopts the modern style to design the heatsink through huge surface and sleek but simple cuts in order to make the heatsink and appearance looks ripped and powerful. Combined with neutral color, such as black, grey and silver, as the main background, MSI motherboard can perfect fit different RGB LED effects and strongly shows the gamers tunes.
PRO Series motherboards combine stable functionality and high quality assembly for clever business solutions. Designed to satisfy any professional workflow, PRO Series motherboards make life easier for businesses and office use.
MSI ha desarrollado el mercado de las placas base durante muchos años. Con una rica experiencia en I + D y una larga historia, la empresa crea continuamente las placas bases con mejor rendimiento y humanizadas para ayudar a los usuarios a cumplir con la búsqueda de componentes de alta calidad, rendimiento estable, fiabilidad y durabilidad del sistema.
Using only the finest quality components and integrating the latest technological innovations delivers the best possible professional experience. Rigorous quality testing under the most extreme conditions ensures a super reliable, long-lasting and high performance motherboard.